Make-A-Wish Tournament Recap
September 10, 2015
From: Kevin O’Leary
Subject: Make-A-Wish Donation for 2015

This is an up-date on the results of our annual Make-A-Wish Tournament. As most of you know we have had an Annual Golf Tournament for several years. The majority has been going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon and SW Washington.
This year we were able to raise $5,427.09. To date we have raised around $89,565.00 for Make-A-Wish. I am very appreciative for all who have made donations to this very worthy cause.
I would like to thank the PNWSCT for helping sponsor this event every year. We had participants from North and South Carolina, Texas, Chicago, California and Seattle to name a few places. I am continually grateful for all that give time and money to make this event work. I would also like to thank those who donated prizes and money for this year’s event: BASF, Brenntag Specialties, Celanese, Chemical Distributors Inc, Dorsett and Jackson, Dowd and Guild, DSM, Gaung Feng, Horn, JF Shelton, PT Hutchins, Specialty Polymers, Tarr, TCR, Thor, TIS, Troy Chemical, Tryline, and Miller Paint. There were many individuals that also gave donations both in cash and checks to Make-A-Wish. I thank the individuals that play and donate prizes. I am sure there are some that I have missed. I am thankful to those also. I also want to thank Nick Motto, Colleen Coward and Darin Shields for helping at the registration desk and Darin for running the Money Ball contest that garnered much appreciated cash for the donation. Lastly, I want to thank Miller Paint for their continued support of this event.
Kevin O’Leary
Tournament Chair