Vancouver, British Columbia Section
The Vancouver Section of the PNWSCT meets monthly to learn about changing technologies and to serve our members and the public at large, in the promotion of science… and hopefully to have some fun.
Second Wednesday of the month, September through May
Registration at 11:30 am, lunch and meeting to follow.
Northview Golf and Country Club
6857-168th Street, Surrey, BC, V3S 3T6
Ray Nordstrand
Cell 604-880-3564
Office 604-931-4002
How Much:
$30 for members
Childrens hospital – JR Memorial golf tournament
We had a great tournament in 2019 organized by Ron VanderDrift
This golf tournament held in honor of John Riddell is a tradition held in partnership with PAC – Packaging group.
In 2019 we raised $4,600 for BC Childrens hospital. It was a honour to hand a check to this organization which does such amazing work for our sick children in BC.
Unfortunately our 2020 tournament is cancelled due to CoVid-19. We hope to rerun this next year in 2021.
Science Expo
The PNWSCT Vancouver Section was pleased to support the “Greater Vancouver Regional Science Fair” with a $500 donation! The money is used to reward these developing scientists as they continue in their studies.
“We hope to encourage and foster an interest in the sciences.” Please consider supporting this worthy cause.
February 2020 Social – “Paint Nite”
Thelma organized another great social: paint nite at a local bar.
We all learned some techniques and had a great time!
Coatings Fest 2018 was Hosted by the Vancouver section
The Vancouver section of the PNWSCT hosted the Biennial Coatings Fest 2018 at The Laurel Point Inn in Victoria BC.
We had over 100 delegates enjoy golf, technical paper presentations, great food and network/ socializing.
The 2020 event was cancelled due to CoVid-19, Portland will be hosting the 2022 event in Sun River Oregon…