WEDNESDAY, 10.19.2022 3-5 pm Registration Open 6 pm Social Nite Open bar (liquor out of pocket) & Appetizers 7-10 pm Buffet dinner, Photo booth, High Street Party Band aka karaoke, Observatory, & Build-Your-S’mores
THURSDAY, 10.20.2022 7-9 am Breakfast 9-10 am Session 1 of Technical Talks or Cal Poly Short Course (SC) “Intro to Coating Formulation’” 10-10:30 am Break (beverages) 10:30-12 pm Session 2 12-1:30 pm Buffet Lunch & Golf Awards 1-1:30 pm PNWSCT Annual Business Meeting 1:30-3 pm Session 3 3-3:30 pm Break (beverages) 3:30-4:30 pm Session 4 6 pm Doors open for Banquet Dinner, Pre-Funk, Open Bar (cocktails out of pocket), & FUN with DJ PNWSCT (aka Dave Star) 6:30 pm Banquet formally begins 7 pm Plated banquet meal served 7:30 pm Engaging remarks and 1st PN-Dubbdee awards 8 pm All things PNWSCT & Closing Remarks
FRIDAY, 10.21.2022 7-8 am Breakfast 9-10 am Session 1 of Technical Talks or Short Course (SC) “In Depth: Rheology and Surfactants” 10-10:30 am Break (beverages provided) 10:30-12 pm Session 2 12-1:30 pm Lunch and Keynote Speaker, Sean Martin of Ninkasi Brewing 1:30-2:30 pm Session 3
It’s with a heavy heart we must notify all that the planned 2020 CoatingsFest in Sunriver has been postponed until 2022 due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. After a healthy response from our active members, it was clear by a democratic vote that punting until 2022 is preferred. We apologize for any issues in timing or frustrations with this news. We’re happy to report that we plan to keep the 2022 event in the desired Sunriver setting and are committed to making it even better. Feel free to reach out to your local or preferred board members to discuss further. More to come.
October 10 -12, 2018 at the Inn at Laurel Point, Victoria, BC Canada
Dear Members and Friends,
The Vancouver Chapter of the PNWSCT and Conference Chairman Ray Nordstrand are pleased to invite you to attend the 2018 Northwest Coatings Fest, to be held in beautiful Victoria, BC on October 10 – 12, 2018. The symposium and accommodations are located at The Inn at Laurel Point, a wonderful waterfront location in downtown Victoria.
Inn at Laurel Point, Victoria, BC
The fun begins at 9am on Wednesday October 10 with a golf tournament held at the Olympic View Golf Club. Don’t miss this highly anticipated sporting event! Fees include green fees, power cart, practice balls, breakfast, and BBQ lunch. For further information, please contact Ron Vanderdrift at (778) 388-3376, or email him.
The opening night social will be held Wednesday October 10 at the nearby Maritime Museum. This casual event includes dinner, beverages, and entertainment. Come join the fun while networking with old and new friends.
The heart of CoatingsFest is the technical program which runs from the morning of Thursday October 11 through to early afternoon on Friday October 12. A series of speakers have been hand-picked to present a variety of topics relevant to our industry today. Direct your questions to Thelma Longakit at (604) 594-6211 (ext-348), or email her.
Please support the PNWSCT by staying at our waterfront host hotel The Inn at Laurel Point.This hotel is located in the heart of Victoria on the harbour, close to many popular tourist attractions and sought-after restaurants. Rooms start at $179 CND$. Hotel reservations can be made by phoning (800) 663-7667, or emailing them at Please reference “PNWSCT 2018 Symposium” and our booking code “1018ANDICO” to obtain the group rate. NOTE: as of Aug. 16, 2018 the hotel block is now SOLD OUT. An additional four suites for $239 per night are available on a first come first served basis.
A variety of Sponsorship packages are available. Your sponsorship dollars contribute to a successful and vibrant event, and also play a vital role in supporting the activities of the PNWSCT. To become a sponsor, please click here.
Online symposium registration is here. The early bird registration deadline is August 15, 2018.
For additional information, contact Ray Nordstrand, (604) 931-4002, or email him. Please extend this invitation to your colleagues in the industry. We encourage your participation to keep our industry strong and vibrant. See you in Victoria,
This is an up-date on the results of our annual Make-A-Wish Tournament. As most of you know we have had an Annual Golf Tournament for several years. The majority has been going to the Make-A-Wish Foundation of Oregon and SW Washington. In the past, we have honored persons that we have lost in the past year. This year we would like to honor family members of two long supporters of this event. Terry Sheehan, brother of Paul Sheehan and Mary Jane Calkin, wife of Jim Calkin passed away just before the event took place. I have asked Make-A-Wish to put the donation in Terry and Mary Jane’s names.
This year we were able to raise $6250.00. Last year I had claimed that we had surpassed the 100K in total donations. This is a large deal for the Make-A-Wish Org. I was asked to verify the number. Darn it, I came up short. Including last year our total came to $98,798.24. With this years donation we actually broke the 100K. Our grand total to date: $105,048.24!! I am very proud of all you for your continued support of Make-A-Wish
I would like to thank those who donated prizes and money for this year’s event: Ashland, Akzo Nobel, BASF, Brenntag Specialties, BYK Additives, Celanese, Chemical Distributors Inc, Dorsett and Jackson, Dowd and Guild, DSM, DSHK, Elementis, Horn, Heucotech, Ishihara JF Shelton, LifeLast, Lubrizol, Omya, PCC/Rivago, Ribelin/Azelis, Specialty Polymers, Systems Three, Tarr, TCR, Thor, TIS, Univar and Miller Paint. There were donations and Gift Cards at the course that I could not keep account of. There were many individuals that also gave donations both in cash and checks to Make-A-Wish. I thank the individuals that take the time to come out and play. We had a good group at 58 players. I am sure there are some that I have missed. I am thankful to those also. I also want to thank Mallory Tyler and Nick Motto for helping at the registration desk and Darin Shields for running the Money Ball contest that garnered much appreciated cash for the donation. Lastly, I want to again thank Miller Paint for their continued support for allowing me the time to work on this event.
Many congratulations are in order for the 2018 Intel NWSE Outstanding 5th Grad Project award winners (in no particular order):
Tia Wisco: ‘Magnetic Exploration of BZ Reaction Rings’ via Bend Science Station
Owen Warren: ‘Vacuum Engines’ via Bridlemile Elementary School
Ella Kim: ‘How Does Global Warming Affect Plant Growth?’ via Class Academy
Sumiko Paulin: ‘The Effect of Temperature on Electromagnets’ via Bridlemile Elementary School
The PNWSCT donated $50 to each winner as in previous years. Kudos to Pete Fox of Zorro Technology for volunteering his time as the premier judge. The event was held on 04.13.2018 at Portland State University.